Passing Trains

We will always be but two trains passing one another.

I look for you in old familiar places
only with hopes my eyes
can somehow manifest you there.

How can Father Time be so cruel
and not pause or rewind the hands of time
or perhaps give us our time for a chance at love?

There are novels, romantic movies,
songs I hear that talk of love.
Love I once knew so well.
Now I can barely remember,
the only evidence it ever existed
is the footprint of pain it left behind.

Day by day I try so hard to start anew;
places, people, chances
and some more of all the same.
But night by night,
I long for you and you alone.

What can I do to quench the need
to have your love just once again?
I need your love…to feel your love
for all my days and nights to come.